1 min read

Hypnoslut Experiences

Hypnosis is very fascinating. I developed an interest in erotic hypnosis because I have a very difficult time dumbing down, and to me, that’s a core aspect of being a bimbo. I discuss this more in First Stoned Play.

I was initially a little skeptical, but I quickly found out I have a fantastic mind for hypnosis. Not only am I extremely suggestible, I have hyperphantasia and extreme synesthesia, which makes any imagery suggested me very vivid. After only few live sessions with a hypnotist, I could even feel slight sensations that described during trance. I don’t think I worked with that hypnotist long enough to have many lasting changes beyond a few days.

The hypnotist I worked with helped me develop a framework for hypnosis that we called BimbotOS. The idea is that the subject is a bimbo cyborg, a bimbot. It is very inspired by science fiction and real life technology, especially things like The Matrix, the Fallout series, and Isaac Asimov’s work. BimbotOS hypnosis is rewriting your own operating system, with triggers as “software” that can be installed, updated, or even removed. This project was shelved when the hypnotist I was working with was no longer able to meet, and I haven’t found anyone who can consistently help with the project.

I’m also very interested in Bambi Sleep. I would love to become more mindless, obedient, and hypersexual with BS. I feel I have to do a lot more research into it, though.

As for hypnosis in general, I would like to induce stupidity / mindlessness much more often, ideally in a temporary fashion, at least for now. I would also like to associate all sort of nonsexual service and obedience with sexual pleasure. One specific goal is that I would like to be completely and utterly unable to orgasm.

Please let me know if you found this interesting!